Thursday 7 November 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 51: Grumble Bee by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 51: Grumble Bee by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another highly entertaining episode

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Moral message: storyline; our 6 Power Rangers be it in their civilian attire or as The Power Rangers [minus 1, I was thinking I would just point this out before someone pointed this out for me,] have different narratives in this episode likewise be it an individual or a pair or a trio, the pair and the trio come in contact with one another and go their separate ways again [to cover my back yes there are other characters/performers in these narratives but I'm just focusing on the 6 in this review. Because of this; this episode moves with gusto as it has many things to do and the moral message is "You did your best and that is all we can do."

Action sequences/Artistic visions: in the trio of Jason, Zack and Kimberly, the viewers get to see what these three characters/performers can individually do with a basketball in an attack when they are taking on the Putties/Putty Patrollers. Moving on to the pair of  Trini/The Yellow and Billy/The Blue Power Ranger tried to perform this double-team sequence, but it doesn't exactly go to plan as Billy/The Blue Power Ranger is feeling the effect of something.

The artistic visions; the monster has some good looking attacks for one example this combination attack of first these yellow C. shapes hitting The Power Rangers followed by this loud sound, but on a quick side note when this monster uses this attack on the Megazord, we don't get this second part, no sound effects having a logical guess here; it is because the Megazord isn't organic so it doesn't work on him [just for the record yes you may have to use your imagination to see these C. shapes, but they are there.] The Pterodactyl Zord gets a new camera angle [from a looking diagonally down but you can see all the top of it and it is all in the camera shot] and there is another great camera shot; the Megazord holding the Power Sword [the viewers can see the Power Sword and this monster, the easiest way for me to describe this would be using this terminology from the realm of computer games first-person shooter.]

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull have this "B" words scene [involving the 5 Power Rangers in their civilian attire] and this scene before the closing credits these two individuals receives assistance [involving the 6 Power Rangers in their civilian attire.]

This episode receives: 10/10, the viewers have a lot to see and to experience from watching this episode that after everything is said and done or to be more precise towards the ending stages I settled on this mark.

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